The Genocide Files: A Novel of Suspense

The Genocide Files: A Novel of Suspense
Item# 9780965100700

Product Description

by N. Xavier Arnold


Gripping suspense, sinister plots, love, murder and government malfeasance. First time novelist, N. Xavier Arnold, skillfully spins a yarn blending historically conscious fiction with a contemporary flavor that captures readers and thrusts them forward through a menagerie of climactic spoils in the life of central character, Matthew Peterson.


Author N. Xavier Arnold has woven an intricately engrossing plot in his debut novel, The Genocide Files....There's more preaching and the incessant "history of your peoples: 101" will make you want to skip pages. Only the most converted of African nationalists will enjoy the indoctrinating drone. Fortunately for the rest of us the story line does not suffer for it. The Genocide Files is an entertaining read which clearly sets up an anticipated sequel (hopefully minus the preaching). Kudos to a first time author. -- Quarterly Black Review

Paperback: 332 pages