No Lye: The African American Woman's Guide To Natural Hair Care

Product Description
by Tulani Kinard
For years, African-American women have relied on harsh chemicals and relaxers to "manage" their hair--which more often than not did more damage than good. Improper braiding techniques have also contributed no small amount of harm, resulting in frail, damaged hair and even pattern baldness in women.
No Lye! offers a safe and easy alternative. In this hair-care and styling guide Tulani Kinard reveals the secrets to obtaining and maintaining beautiful healthy hair--naturally.
The art of making braids, terrific twists and lovely locks Easy recipes for products that clean, strengthen, and condition the hair Ways to heal damaged hair Painless methods of caring for your children's hair Fast, easy styles for all lengths and textures of hair The pros and cons of using hair extensions
Ask me your hair-care questions...I'll tell you No Lye!
Tulani Kinard is the owner of Tulani's Regal Movement, a natrual hair-care salon in Brooklyn, New York. She has worked as a contributing editor to Blackstress and Black Hair Care magazines and her hair sculptures have been featured in everything from Essence to The New York TimesI. She is cofounder of the International Braider's Network and former president of the National Braider's Guild.
Paperback: 208 pages